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The occasional pains of the game at Stanford. |
I’d been meaning to photograph a game at Stanford for years when passing through the small community on my way to towns like Centerville, Geraldine, and games further north and west. I’d even stayed overnight at a local motel on a couple of occasions and ate my breakfast at the Wolves Den restaurant. The Stanford gridiron was no stranger to me either as I had stopped by a few times to look at the angles that might present themselves during any future home game. So finally in 2005, I decided to travel to Stanford when they hosted one of the two semi-final games in Montana Class C eight-man football. I was looking forward to the event.
Earlier in the season, I had overheard several Drummond fans praising Stanford’s hospitality at last year’s title game despite Drummond thumping the Wolves on their home field. Upon my arrival with family in tow for the 2005 semifinal game, the generous hospitality I had heard about appeared to be intact. We were told while paying admission that there was a tent set up by the school and they were serving free chili and brownies inside. The only thing that was unpleasant at that point was the steady cold wind blowing out of the north and west, but things would turn ugly for me by the second quarter.
As expected, the Drummond Trojans came to town and wasted no time in informing the Stanford Wolves football team and fans that the visitors’ undefeated record would remain intact on that day. By the end of the first quarter, it seemed pretty hopeless for Stanford and when Drummond scored two more times in the second quarter, the festive feeling of the day started to wane with the Stanford fans—albeit to different degrees.
During this second quarter, one of the Wolves starters came off the field and collapsed on the sidelines where I happened to be shooting—it didn’t seem serious as no one was attending him, but undoubtedly he was experiencing some pain.
Knowing pain and injuries are part of the game, I directed the camera at the injured player and tripped the shutter a couple of times. As I remember it now, I felt good about the images because the background was decent and from my angle his face couldn’t be seen nor his jersey number detected. Yet, a handful of soured Stanford fans behind me didn’t see it that way nor did one of their assistant coaches.
The first words I heard were something like, “Hey, you don’t need to take his picture.” I’m not sure if it came first from the fans behind me or the coach on the sidelines. Regardless, I addressed the coach first and told him that what I was shooting was part of the game. Simple as that.
“It’s part of the game, coach.”
I certainly wasn’t attempting to get the players full-blown anguish and pain by sticking the camera in his face. Nevertheless, that didn’t matter to the hecklers behind me who ratcheted up their banter another notch.
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My biggest fans at Stanford. |
I was slightly amused and surprised—definitely rattled at this point.
“Wow, a modern day lynch mob right here in Stanford, Montana,” I thought to myself.
I stood up, walked over to the goon who had threatened me and simply said, “Is that right?”
I made sure I was far enough from the fence line that he wouldn’t reach over in an attempt to smack me or take a swipe at the camera. Despite my perseverance to convince him that it was all part of the game—not just the action on the gridiron, he must have only seen me as an obnoxious paparazzi shooter. Insults continued to fly from him and his cronies. Finally, I was fed up with them and stepped back from the crowd and said, “As a matter of fact, you’re part of the game as well," and began to peel off a couple frames of Stanford’s peanut gallery.
The remainder of the game, I was very cognizant of those around me, especially when I left the sidelines, but no one bothered me after the second quarter encounter nor did anyone attempt to “run me out of town.”
Undoubtedly, this adventure in hostility illustrates that all it takes is a couple of bad apples to ruin one’s experience. Yet, I know this should not be grounds to generalize an entire community like Stanford.
In my home town of Powell, Wyoming, everyone around here talks about how friendly everyone is in town—as if there is no other town like it when it comes to such friendliness. And they say it with so much conviction and in such a way that you would rain on their parade if you were to challenge their claim. So, you let it go. Yet, this happens everywhere, doesn’t it? Every town—especially the small ones—believe they are slightly above the rest when it comes to warmth and friendliness.
But the truth is—for the most part—all of these small towns are warm and friendly; and in each of them probably lurks a few individuals that are capable of disproving such claims single-handedly. Like Powell, Wyoming, surely the good folks in Stanford, Montana think of their small community as warm and friendly, including the tough-talking peanut gallery at the football game.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and I believe that is true. Maybe next time you should understand the picture you are looking at before you write down your assumptions. The guy in the 'cute white gloves' was not the one that said he was going to stick the camera down your throat. The man in the back ground that is giving the gesture is not even from Stanford, and neither am I, the guy in the 'cute white gloves'. Next time you feel the need to call a community a bunch of a-holes make sure it's true.
Ahhh, but you did acknowledge the comment when I walked over to you and said, "Is that right?" And if not you, who said it? Sorry I didn't ask for actual addresses, does this mean you're not a Stanford fan? You were neutral, like myself? Read the last paragraph again. Even the comment before you acknowledges that I wasn't calling the community a bunch of a-holes... just a few outstanding ones. By the way: if you have looked at other images I've been shooting over the years, perhaps you'll understand my views regarding there is so much more to a game then the action on the field and like it or not (especially public events), it's all fair game when it comes to photography. I believe that's a Constitutional Right.
We would all like to have you not come back if this is the way it's going to be. these are kids we are talking about. In a matter of fact why weren't there any pictures taken of the drummond kids cus i know our stanford high school football team injured a few of them. Plus you could have been on the outside of the fence like the rest of us. Then you probably wouldnt have been yelled at. Think about it next time before taking pictures, that could hurt someone inside or the community.
Injured kids/players in high school football are part of the game, I think they handle this aspect of the game much better than yourself. Nevertheless, I don't go out of my way to get only pictures of injuries in these particular scenes... no more than I go out of the way to get anything else such as a band member playing an instrument, an exhausted player after the game or sour fans like yourself on the sidelines.
Further, one can't be everywhere at the same time (i.e., the reason I didn't get a shot of Drummond kids injured, if that's really important to you). Perhaps it will make you feel better to tell you I have captured on film other such scenarios from other games I've covered, but this particular one is perhaps the quintessential shot... maybe because one can't detect the identity of the player or maybe is has to do with the ridiculous reaction that came from the sidelines. To those "outstanding" individuals at the Stanford game who felt it necessary to threaten me, thanks for making it so special. ;-)
As I understand you, had I been on the same side of the fence as you and pointed my camera toward the injuried player, that would have made it alright with you???? Is this some kind of joke I'm not picking up on?
I don't believe anyone has suffered any hurt from this particular image unless they are simply so pathetic and miserable and want to be hurt and if that's the case, it doesn't matter what images I've captured/posted. No doubt, their problems go way beyond any of my photos or opinions.
Tough words, from a tough guy, from a tough town... Wooooooooooo-whoooooo! Classic stuff Pat. Hey, lets not kid ourselves here, I can't match you in this department, but one more wise crack about my purple wind pants and I'll have my sister give you a bloody nose! (BTW, they're not "pastel" purple, they're just plain old purple you big bully.)
All kidding aside, I don't know where you were (perhaps some deep day dream of the M&M bar), but I did have words with the coach and yes, I did walk over to the fence and have a word or two with the peanut gallery. I remember clearly looking "Jeff and Mutt" in the face, although I don't remember you at all. I only know of you and your sophomoric antics after processing my "abysmal" photography.
Sorry the image made you sick to your stomach... that's amazing coming from a guy who lives in a town notorious for its blood and guts history. You must be a real sensitive fella. What drama!
You are not as tough either. With your cute puple padtel pants. On that day a whole bunch of people in the picture are not from Stanford so before you know what your talking about just keep your mouth shut. No guy would want to be caught in a cute purple pastel pants, not a man anyway. I'm a girl. oooooh are you too afraid to stand up for yourself that you have you sister do it. And you could have been on the outside of the fence like the rest of us. We would like you to never come back if this is the way its going to be. Why didn't you have any pictures of the drummond team, cus I know that we injured a few of them.
Did I say I was tough? Surely I'm no match for you or any of the other "tough" talking non-Stanford residents who attend Stanford football games. I'd say, you're still Stanford fans, yes?
I don't think it really makes a difference if you, Patrick or anyone of the other macho-oozing "winners" on the sidelines that day are from Stanford or not. You might as well be, you were cheering for the Wolves right? Nevertheless, I thought it was pretty clear in this original post. Where did I make any generalizations about people from Stanford? Again, I concluded that my experiences with the peanut gallery that day are no reflection of the town itself... there, I said it again... geeeeeeze! You know, I often read things twice just to make sure I've understood everything. Consider doing the same.
God, what is it about you people and purple? You act as if it was pink! There are plenty of athletic teams that wear purple at every level. Granted, it might not be as traditional as red and white, or blue and gold, but have I missed some lesson in school about purple? And besides, I picked them up on sale way back when... it was the only colour they had.
As far as which side of the fence I'm on at a game... I shoot from both sides. Big deal. I wondered outside of the fence that day too. So what? Have you noticed that most photographers are near the sidelines during any given football game?
Sorry I didn't get any pictures of injured Drummond players that day (see comment above). Despite what the prolific Pat believes, I'm really not working on a body of work that features injured football players. I can't be everywhere, I have to take what comes my way. That's the best anyone can do.
"Why didn't you have any pictures of the drummond team, cus I know that we injured a few of them." —Wow... you're amazing.
listen guy i'm ten years old. If you say that I am tougher than you, you must be a whimp. We are taught in school to not call people names, what kind of example for all the kids that are reading this? Why didn't you take any pictures of the drummond kids they were on the same field we were on. I want to be a photo shooter, but after what you did I don't want to be one anymore. the people in the picture would have not done that for no reasn
All of the comments are very interesting. I am from Stanford and proud of it. Also very proud of a group of young men who had a great season this year. I just hope that this does not end up being a reflection on the team. Stanford fans are proud of our team and proud to be called Stanford Wolves.
I will agree with Patrick on your ethics of photo journalism. Buddy you seriously lack in this area. Did I read something like "it's all fair game when it comes to photography. I believe that's a Constitutional Right". Yes it might be your constitutional right, but most true americans also understand with these rights also comes a degree of responsibility for their actions. You are seriously lacking in this area. I certainly hope you don't feel that these pictures are a true definition of quality photo journalism.
Surely, the Stanford High School Athletic Department will think twice before letting some low-life photographer bring his camera with a xeroxed press card to the sidelines of another game.
As far as the purple pants, it is easy to see that you must be a person that needs attention, i.e. the pants and these pictures printed on the interent.
I feel sad for your kind. Get a life.
I recently heard that there was someone posting inappropriate material on the internet about high school football kids, so I had to check it out for myself. As I read, I was in shock that someone would actually post this information on the “internet”. As I look at the picture of the kid laying there on the sidelines, I wonder if you have ever took into consideration how he would feel to have his picture taken by some guy as he lies there in pain. Did you ever “once” think of how he was feeling? Or where you just too worried about some “peanut gallery Stanford fans” that really got to you, and you just can’t let it go?? So is this your way of trying to get back at them, by posting an innocent high school kids picture online? Grow up Morgan, think about someone other than yourself. Put yourself in the kids shoes just once, because I am sure this is the last thing he would like to be looking at. I know that the kid played his heart out during this game, and I’m not seeing any pictures of his great hits or tackles. Did you miss those pictures, or let me guess, just not in the right position, or was it the angle?? Give me a break!!!
As I am looking at your 2 pictures of the Stanford/Drummond game, I am wondering what you were even doing at the football game, since you never took any pictures of the “game”? You post other pictures of other games you shot, but only post these 2 of Stanford. Good Grief. Wrong angles and not the right position again, right???
The part I find the funniest, is that the whole crowd was also yelling at you, besides “Jeff & Mutt”. Why are they catching all the raft from you? Is it because they were the closest to you or what? I remember the whole sidelines in that particular area yelling at you to stop. So you kept on!! When a whole crowd is yelling at me, telling me to stop, I guess I would get a clue. But not in your case! And you call them the Stanford a-holes. Look in the mirror Morgan. Maybe next time someone is yelling at you, telling you not to take pictures of their kids, take a hint!!!
I am just curious if you have any kids??? So picture this……. Your son playing a great game and is giving it his all. He gets hurt, and goes down on the sidelines. I am just curious, so do you run and take a picture of him or do you see if he is ok??? I just want you to look at it like we were ALL looking at your actions that day. If you are a parent, I am sure that is the last thing you would want is someone taking pictures of your hurt son. Hopefully that “might” put it in perspective for you. Maybe think of how the kids are feeling, or how you would feel as a parent, before you post these shots online next time.
Next time you feel the need to bash our community, have enough balls to tell us to our face! I’m not sure how you do things where you are from, but if we have a problem with someone, we go to the source and straighten things out. Not by posting false information on the internet. Please get your facts straight.
I also noticed your profile picture Morgan Tyree. And if I were you, I would also be ashamed of myself to show my face. Is there a reason why you don’t have a full profile picture?? Why the head turned? Are you embarrassed or just plain ASHAMED??? I took a picture of you that day. Can we post that??? Great picture by the way! The game is going on in the back ground, and there you sit shooting pictures at us. You should be embarrassed, especially if you go to football games shooting pictures in a purple and teal wind suit (“on sale” though folks). “Nice get up!!!”
For the record, my "xerox-copy" press pass is legitimate. It's with the National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA) although I'm working on this project as a freelancer. It's a legitimate project with a legitimate goal... a photo-documentary exhibit (Massillon, Ohio, Cheyenne, Wyoming and Texas A&M University). My hopes are a book, but that's pie in the sky at this time.
I guess we agree to disagree on what is ethical in photographs. I'm sorry my images aren't as sugar-coated as you desire, however, (and most important to me is) they are real. I would challenge any of you who find the image in question as offensive to seek out the input of a professional shooter/journalist.
Purple pants.... bzzzzzzzzz.
True Americans—they come in all shapes, sizes and colours beyond your small version of what America is suppose to be.
More later kids.
Though my name is Bacon I do not know much about the pigskin. On the other hand I am a journalist.
PhotoJ is about telling stories through photographs and that is what Morgan Tyree was doing when he used that photograph. His image says more about the players than the game itself. Pain is a part of the football experience. When ESPN covers a pro football game they don't avoid player injuries, they tend to dwell on it. So from that view point is ESPN also one of our "kind of people?" They also show the fans, regardless of the emotion that is being displayed.
Wow, I congratulate Tyree on his photoJ abilities, not many photographers in these rural areas go beyond the surface of events.
And what about the "kid" in the image? Did he ever see the photo? Was his reputation damaged? Or did Tyree capture a moment in the game that a lot of spectators also saw. This whole situation has been blown out of proportion.
But while we are pointing fingers at the media why did every news station in America show the twin towers being crashed into and people died.
Yes this is extreme and I am aware but I don’t know this kid, and the photo does not identify him. If I ever watched a game at that high school I would not pick that kid out of a crowd or the team and laugh at him because he was in pain and regaining his composure. I didn’t even know that your town existed until I read this blog. But because I am a journalist you mine pitchfork and torch me out of the town if I ever found myself there and you found out my secret identity.
As far as the purple pants, who cares that is superficial and sad for you to harass Tyree because of his attire? Way to be parents and adults with petty bickering. Way to set the example for impressionable youth.
Regarding Anonymous's posting on 10/24/06 at 10:24 p.m...
Inappropriate material on the internet: Mind you, if this kid had (for some unexplainable reason) died shortly after capturing him on film, I'd probably would have refrained from posting this image... probably something to do with respect for the family. However, this player returned to the game not long after.
I only posted the image because it supported/illustrated the story of my account that day and I wanted to show any readers that visited the blog, that yes, this was indeed the image I photographed and so, what's the big deal that leads to a handful of individuals to threatening an outsider. Injured players are photographed all the time (yes, even the "precious" high school athletes you have sensationalized in your commentary). Again, it's sometimes a part of the story come any given game. And had those yahoos not carried on as long as they had and made it such a memorial day, I probably would have glossed right over the image... I'll admit it, no matter what you think of my work, I have much better images if we examine them for their visual impact alone. This image simply has a "rich" story attached to it. I didn't plan it that way.
By the way, I took all kinds of pictures that day. (If you'd like, I'll send a disk of images from the game you're way, just let me know where to send them.) It wasn't the best day for shooting. The wind was distracting and simply put, I just didn't find the right groove. It happens. And when you travel as far as I do to get there, that makes it even more frustrating. Yet, every game has it's own story for me; often it's beyond the game itself. As you can guess, the story for me at Stanford that day wasn't the game, wasn't the town, but a few miserable fans like yourself.
I don't recall the "whole crowd" yelling at me. I surely would have recorded such in my notes after the game. Perhaps you're recollection is a bit skewed by now.
As far as your scenario goes... If my son or daughter is injured in a football game (or any other sport), I don't give a toss about who might be taking their picture, I'm only concerned about their well-being. I'm content enough with that. After all, it is a public event and if their photo is recorded during such a time, oh well, that's the way it goes. There's no harm in that. I'd like to think that my kids' egos wouldn't be so fragile; if so, they probably shouldn't compete.
My blog site photo: Well, admittedly I'm not the best looking guy in the world, that's the only shame I have. I was just going for that Dwight Yoakam look only with a baseball hat. ;-) If you have a better photo, go ahead and post it and don't forget to send me a link so I can get a copy for myself.
Purple wind pants... right, I'm burning them now... bzzzzzzzzzzzz.
The problem as I see it is the fact that all these comments are being posted as what looks like the photo of the injured player, when if fact the photo that lacks any substance is the Stanford Peanut Gallery Photo. I don't see anything wrong with this photo. Yes it is part of the game. Hopefully the player was not injured to badly.
Please anyone who reads this needs to go the "Stanford Peanut Gallery". This is the picture that should make you ask yourself first of all the guy giving the finger is a fool. Obviously the guy taking the picture is a fool. And why was this picture necessary to tell the story of a small town football game.
But more importantly why are so many people wasting their time with it. I think all of you need to get a life and move on.
Without a doubt this friendly banter going on above is most pathetic!!!! Why don't you all give it a rest.
For once, somebody with some intellectual input. Thankyou "Bacon"
Sometimes closed minds fail to look beyond themselves and focus on what really doesn't exist....
Standford fans (note: not Stanford residents)need to be able to make use of interpretation...please understand what you read before making accusations.
The color purple suggests what? Homosexuality? What are you then suggesting to the teams that wear that color as a uniform???....move beyond your own circle please!!
You guys make me giggle.
A football player in the game!
Well lets just say your unwelcome to any game we as a team play! If you don't have the dignity to give the Stanford Team and town the respect we get then don't come to our very RESPECTABLE town. We have had no problems with anyone until you came to town. To sum it up your a dick!
I don't need your welcome to shoot a Stanford game whether it's home or away. Thanks anyway.
You (and a few others) obviously need to take a remedial reading class if that's your take on my essay about a handful of "winners" at a football game that just so happened to take place at Stanford.
Funny, I had no problems in all the games I've worked in Montana and Wyoming until that fateful day in Stanford, but I'll say it again for such dim-witted outlooks as yours... that incident last year is no reflection on the town of Stanford, nor does it represent the entire population of Stanford as a community.
Morgan, I stumbled onto your blog site by accident and found some of it pertained to my old high school, Stanford HS. I took my time reading not just the Stanford story, but others as well in order to gain an understanding of what your blog is about. I found that the majority of your stories were full of great things about small towns and their teams and I commend you for that. I played my highschool football and other sports in Stanford and understand the small town mentality. That being said, I do believe you errored in several thoughts on this blog site. First, taking pictures on the home side line of not just Stanford, but Power, Geraldine, Geyser, Belt,Hobson,Powell....etc.........
You would have had people defending an injured home player having his picture taken! Second, publishing a picture named "peanut gallery" was rude no matter what your thoughts are as you supposedly are the proffessional here! I have no idea who these people were, but I do know that if that player would have been me, I would have supported those people helping me. Third, you should have walked away when you heard the comments and not confronted these people! Fourth, why even get into an argument with the Gee kid on this blog? He is just a kid and was just trying to help you understand this problem from a kid perspective! I am sure that you will find that most small towns in Montana and Wyoming have great hospitality! However, I am sure you know that if you upset town folk (or even visitors from surrounding communities), then things can get out of hand for yourself. While in Rome do as the Romans. On a humorous note, I believe if my 1977 football team would have known what you were up to, I am positive we would have set up a pass play out of bounds in your area to teach you a bit of home town hospitality....... I look forward to your reply.
Thank you for your post.
I don't know what else I could say that hasn't been said already regarding my (or any other shooter's) justification for photographing ALL the elements of something as public as a football game. I'll simply address those things you've brought up that haven't been mentioned before.
You stated, "I found that the majority of your stories were full of great things about small town and their teams..." That may be, but such is not my sole intention. My goal has always been to document small town high school football, period. Not only the "great" things, but all of it. If that were the case, it wouldn't be a very honest documentary. Nevertheless, given the subject material, it does gravitate to those things that are good, wholesome, innocent, etc. But, as in most subjects, there are always exceptions.
I understand that some find it "distasteful" or "unnecessary" to photograph various subjects. Such thinking is and always will be purely subjective. I can't go about my assignments worrying about the opinions of any single person or group of people. I'm not doing this to win a popularity contest. My only concern is to be legal in whatever I choose to photograph, or write about for that matter.
On "Peanut Gallery:" I found this title to be very appropriate as the definition of such is the following: "a group of people who criticize someone, often by focusing on insignificant details: he might find that playing the sport he loves isn’t worth the aggravation from the peanut gallery’s probing of his privacy." Perhaps not flattering, so I stand guilty as charged.
Professional? Perhaps not in this case. If I worked for a newspaper, I'd probably been fired or at least reprimanded for all of this. But, this is a blog and as we both know, anything can go—often much more intense than this little squabble.
Regarding walking away: Mind you, I only risked my own safety by responding to their lowbrow remarks. If I had to do it all over again, perhaps I wouldn't respond at all, but that could have led to some other unpredictable outcome as well. Hindsight is always helpful, isn't it?
Gee Kid: Really, he's not much of a kid. I believe he is a young man (attending college at the time of his posts) and such dialog is certainly healthy for him, even if he were a kid.
As long as we can be "humorous" and fantasize of another time here... you'd have to be pretty deliberate to get me run over via a pass play to the sidelines and that being the case, you might be shocked at what an old Nikon camera (circa 1970s) can do should it accidentally collide with a football helmet—especially one from 1977.
Yeppers, you found some bullies that is for sure and they do exist in Stanford, Montana. They also exist anywhere and everywhere.
I was doing a search for "Stanford Wolves" and this article came to the top of the page. It saddens me to find this kind of information online; but realistic to the fact that some of what your concerns are in fact are quite true.
What I find interesting is that it appears no one in their comments made towards your blog took responsibility for their actions.
I live here in Stanford and at times I am very disappointed in news items such as this; makes me want to leave the area and take my kids with me. But I do know that there are many decent folks here; unfortunately these nice folks tend to go into denial which makes the ever-so-present day "bullying" factor even larger and more apparent.
So if you are ever out our way again, hopefully you will encounter a better environment. Especially since this year's team (2009-2010), of which the majority are seniors, will be graduating. They did a very good job against Drummond, despite being on the non-winning end. They have been by far the best team ever to play here in Stanford - both on and off the field. They have been gentleman indeed and I attribute this quality from their parents who have done a great job with their kids. Hopefully it will stick and passed on down to future generations.
For the record, I am not an advocate of bullying and have worked hard, along with friends of mine here in the area, to bolster an "anti-bullying" theme across our County. It will take time, and progress is being made. But as we have all figured out quickly - bullies do not like it when they get it shoved back at them and tend to crawl in a hole when they get caught.
It is a shame that your previous encounter here in Stanford ended up on such a sad note. And hopefully, Stanford won't leave a bad taste in your lense forever.
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